Quintais Produtivos at Mataraca/PB
(It can be translated as Productive Backyards, referring to using the space to grow food).
Quintais Produtivos is a SPIC Brasil project that was born from the need to guide the community covered by Vale dos Ventos and Millennium Wind Farms, in Mataraca (PB), on the creation of vegetable gardens, to contribute to improving the quality of food for this population.
In the first year of the project, in 2019, four vegetable gardens were implanted, with 28 direct participants, in the municipal school of Mataraca (PB) and three residences.
In addition to guidance on planting and cultivation, participants received information on health, safety and the environment related to the activity.
For the continuity of the project, a piece of content was elaborated with the steps of how to cultivate the garden, available for consultation in the link below.
Quintais Produtivos Playbook – SPIC Brasil
Webinar (Solid Waste Management – concepts and practices in the school environment) at HPP São Simão
In 2020 SPIC Brasil held a webinar with public education institutions in the cities of Capinópolis (MG) and São Simão (GO), to talk about solid waste management in the school environment and work on concepts and practices with teachers.
The main theme of the event was the 10 years of the National Solid Waste Policy (Law 12,305/2010) and ways of implementing the Law’s guidelines in the school environment, with suggestions for working the theme across the board, according to the guidelines of the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC).
The webinar held with educators from Capinópolis (MG) was attended by 89 participants, and the webinar held with educators from São Simão (GO) was attended by 33 participants.
As a complementary action to the event, participants were sent a digital booklet to reinforce the concepts discussed in the webinar, provide guidance on the types of waste and the correct packaging and disposal, and offer tips on books, websites and films that address the issue and can be support materials for teachers during teaching.
National Day of Campo Limpo in Quirinópolis (GO)
On August 23, 2019, SPIC Brasil participated in the event “Dia do Campo Limpo”, at the premises of the Sudoeste Goiano Sudoeste Goiás Resales Association (Assiasgo).
This event takes place annually, with the objective of recognizing the participation of the different agents – farmers, resale channels and cooperatives, the manufacturing industry and the public authorities – in the reverse logistics of empty pesticide packaging in Brazil and celebrate the results achieved thanks to the joint action.
The event was attended by approximately 208 students from the 4th and 5th year of elementary school, from 10 local schools, in addition to teachers and authorities present at the closing of the activity organized in partnership with InpEV.
XXIII Symposium on Milk Livestock (XXIII SPL) in Santa Vitória (MG)
On September 26, 2019, the XXIII Symposium on Milk Livestock (XXIII SPL) was held at the Ubaldo Franco Convention Center, located in the Salustiano Moraes Exhibition Park, in the city of Santa Vitória, with the presence of more than 150 people.
The event organized by Emater (MG), Municipal Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, the Union of Rural Producers of Santa Vitória and SPIC Brasil addressed hygiene and milk quality practices in the field, in addition to the new Forest Code.
During the event, several lectures were given on the subject, which brought technical knowledge about the XXIII SPL held by Emater MG and the results achieved through the partnership between the agency and the Union of Rural Producers of Santa Vitória.
In addition to the technical part and the results of the XXIII SPL, two other presentations were held during the event by the SPIC Brasil team. The first on the relevance of the Brazilian Forest Code, carried out by the agronomist Guilherme Oliveira, from FAEMG, who spoke about the legal part of the law that provides for the protection of native vegetation, Conservation Unit (UC), Legal Reserve (RL) and Environmental Preservation Area (APP) and emphasized the importance of preserving and conserving these environmental areas.
The second lecture was given by the sanitary and environmental engineer Juliano Melo da Maia, from the company Brandt Meio Ambiente, who addressed the importance of the partnership between neighboring landowners and the work developed by HPP São Simão related to the conservation of the reservoir, through the Ciliary Reforestation Program.
Portas Abertas event at UHESS
On September 19, 2019, the first Portas Abertas event was held at HPP São Simão by SPIC Brasil, to keep the communities in the area of influence of HPP São Simão informed about the plant’s performance in the surrounding municipalities and communities, through presentations and time for questions and clarifications.
Representatives of the 13 municipalities covered by the reservoir were invited to the event, however, only these four participated: Capinópolis (MG), Paranaiguara (GO), Santa Vitória (MG) and São Simão (GO).
The event was attended by representatives of SPIC Brasil who introduced the company and dealt with issues related to the environment, property management and modernization. To end the event, participants took a tour at the plant, and they were offered lunch at a hotel in the region.
Portas Abertas Program
Communication channels
The program aims to continuously provide information and create channels and communication tools for dialogue between SPIC Brasil and the populations directly affected by the company’s activities. To guarantee a means of direct contact with the communities affected by the projects, SPIC Brasil has these two contact channels:
• E-mail: Portasabertas@spicbrasil.com.br
• Phone: 0800 200 0204 (Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm)
Portas Abertas Newspaper
In addition, the company carries out the annual publication of HPP São Simão Portas Abertas newspaper, which deals with topics developed by the company, such as updated information on environmental programs, quality and safety in the operation, emergency action plan (PAE) in the autos area. rescue, among others.
Technical visits to the projects
SPIC Brasil also carries out technical visits to the assets Vale dos Ventos Wind Farm and HPP São Simão. In 2019, four technical visits were carried out to HPP São Simão, with an average duration of four hours. We presented lectures in which subjects related to the environment, safety and forms of energy generation were addressed, and, after the presentations, visitors took a tour of specific areas of the plant.
Through the Portal Abertas Program, the plant received, on the 16th and 17th of May, the students of Presidente Costa e Silva State School, from Paranaiguara (GO); on the 29th of May, the students of the Civil Engineering course of Centro Universitário de Mineiros (UNIFIMES – GO); on the 8th of November, the students of the Electrical Engineering course from Universidade Anhanguera (GO) and, on the 27th of November, the students of Otávio Severino State School, from Campina Verde (GO).
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