Model the evolution of the forward curve, using a specialized computational tool to assess the optimal energy trading strategy, modeling market conditions in a representative way and weighing the risks in each decision, in an hourly PLD scenario.
- Development of a decision support model that allows the definition of an optimal strategy for the sale of electricity in the short, medium and long terms
- Creation of a model for evaluating contract negotiation, Business Plan, in a 5-year horizon, in an hourly PLD scenario
Expected results
- Modeling to forecast ENAs (Affluent Natural Energy) and prices
- Modeling to forecast the premium in the price of short-term contracts
- Bilateral contract pricing parameterization modeling
- Static balance system modeling
- Modeling tariffs projection in the regulated market
- Pricing modeling of bilateral contracts
- Stochastic contracts
Total investment in the project: BRL 2,438,061.00
MRTS and FDTE (contracted)
Duration: 2 years
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