EAP – Emergency Action Plan

December 03, 2020

To ensure the safety of dams and the people who live in the vicinity, there are strict rules, and they must be followed.

Even though there is no serious problem and we adopt many modern and reliable security measures, we must always be aware.

In order to prevent problems in the dam from getting out of control, the Emergency Action Plan was prepared. In this document, we find all the activities necessary to eliminate serious situations once and for all. And, therefore, do not make the population concerned.

To ensure the safety of dams and the people who live in the vicinity, there are strict rules that must be followed. We will let you know all the security actions that are performed.

In addition, the dam has trained professionals who examine the structure daily and carry out the necessary maintenance to repair all identified problems. It has operated for 42 years, and no serious problem has ever been identified that would put the population in danger!

This dam also has the Dam Safety Plan, which is the place where all important documents and data are stored that help employees to verify that everything is right.

Educational Booklet

Check out the video with the emergency measures:

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